Afimilk Training

In-Person Dealer Training Events

In Person, Multi Day
Holiday Inn KCI Airport/Expo Center, 11728 NW Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO (816) 801-8400


Low hotel rate for those who reserve a room with our link PRIOR to the registration deadline


Registration and Lodging

Training sessions with fewer than six attendees will be cancelled, so please register with Afimilk prior to the registration deadline. 

Dealers will be responsible for travel and lodging costs. Please note that all attendees are responsible for making their own hotel reservation and Afimilk cannot guarantee vacancy or rates. Call the hotel directly or book through your preferred online outlet. 

Upon arrival at the Kansas City International Airport (MCI), follow signs to the baggage claim. Once your bags are secured, call for the hotel shuttle at 816-564-5475. Shuttle pickup for the Holiday Inn KCI Airport/KCI Expo Center will be outside – just look for general hotel shuttle signage.

Application Seminar – April 9-11, 2024
Early bird registration deadline –
February 7, 2024
Registration deadline –
March 7, 2024
Hotel Link:
Hardware/Technical Training – May 14-16, 2024
Early bird registration deadline –
March 12, 2024
Registration deadline –
April 12, 2024
Hotel Link:
Basic AfiFarm Troubleshooting Seminar – June 11-12, 2024
Early bird registration deadline –
April 9, 2024
Registration deadline –
May 9, 2024
Hotel Link:
CANCELLED!! Sales Seminar – September 10-11, 2024
Early bird registration deadline –
July 8, 2024
Registration deadline –
August 8, 2024
Hotel Link:
Hardware/Technical Training – October 1 – 3, 2024
Early bird registration deadline –
July 31, 2024
Registration deadline –
August 30, 2024
Hotel Link:

Register for In-Person Afimilk Training Events

Select the event(s) and complete the form for each person attending training.

The Basics of In-Person Training

All classes begin promptly at 8am on the first day and conclude no later than 5pm on the final day, therefore, attendees should arrive in the host city the night before class begins and departure should be scheduled no earlier than 6pm on the final day. All classes require a minimum of six attendees to be held. 

Don’t forget! Every attendee is responsible for their own hotel room and travel arrangements. Please book your hotel room with your preferred online platform, directly on the hotel website or by calling 816-801-8400. 

Certificate trainings are required for additional dealer discounts. Cost of training is $450 for a 3-day course and $300 for a 2-day course. Training costs include training materials, meeting space, lunch and group dinners.

IMPORTANT! Cancellations must be made 14 days or more prior to the first day of the training. Any no-shows will be invoiced for the full amount of the training. 


All classes begin promptly at 8am on the first day and conclude no later than 5pm on the final day, therefore, attendees should arrive in the host city the night before class begins and departure should be scheduled no earlier than 6pm on the final day.

If you register for a course and cancel prior to the registration deadline, there will be no penalty. All classes require a minimum of six attendees to be held. Therefore, if you register for training and cancel attendance after the registration deadline, you will still be charged for the course. Special consideration will be given for certain circumstances. IMPORTANT! Cancellations must be made 14 days or more prior to the first day of the training. Any no-shows will be invoiced for the full amount of the training. 

For the Applications seminar, bring your computer.
For the hardware technical training, bring your computer, wire strippers, and a screwdriver set.

The fee for our three-day events is $450. The fee for the two-day events is $300. NEW THIS YEAR! All attendees who register prior to the early bird registration deadline will receive $50 off each training per person. Dealers will be responsible for travel and lodging costs.

Yes! Dealers who send personnel to the Applications Seminar will receive an additional 1% on their DVD. Dealers who send personnel to one of the two Hardware Technical training courses will receive an additional 1% on their DVD. Dealers who send personnel to ALL training courses in 2024 (only one of the two Hardware Technical training is required) will receive a DVD attendance bonus.

After you register with Afimilk, you still need to book your hotel room and your travel. All in-person training events will be held at the Holiday Inn KCI Airport/Expo Center in Kansas City, MO.

  • We have secured a low hotel rate for those who reserve a room with our link PRIOR to the registration deadline. To reserve a room, call the hotel at 816-801-8400 and mention you are part of the Afimilk room block. You can also reserve online with the provided link in the course descriptions. NOTE: If you reserve a room outside of the Afimilk block, we cannot guarantee room rate or the inclusion of breakfast in the rate. If you reserve a room after the deadline, vacancy cannot be guaranteed.
    Remember, all classes begin promptly at 8am on the first day and conclude no later than 5pm on the final day, so schedule your travel accordingly.

Training costs include training materials, meeting space, lunch, and group dinners. Don’t forget to register early for the $50 early bird discount.